Sunday, March 24, 2013

How leaders can inspire a team synergy?

“Synergy - the bonus that is achieved when things work together harmoniously.” Mark Twain

Some teams are basically a collection of individuals; other teams are synergized
Whether you are a leader, a manager, a president or vice president, a coach, a parent-your most important resource is your people.

A strong company culture brings cohesiveness to the team. It is the team’s strength to carry on a winning culture that creates a competitive advantage in the market. A shared culture can provide a source of pride in being unique and exceptional from other companies undefined team culture.
The leader unifies the team members through an awareness of their common culture to uplift everyone to a higher performance.

So how can leaders create synergetic teams in their culture?

The best teams have a mutual vision

Teams need a shared vision in order to drive a shared winning culture. Each person on the team must share the same vision and be passionate about where the team is going. The culture flows from the team’s vision toward a better future. Without a collective vision, the team is going no-where or it will focus on personal agendas which will hinder the team culture and progress.

The best teams face challenges together

The best teams are not frustrated by setbacks. They are determined to come up with a common objective to tackle the issues together. It does not mean everyone on the team shares the same point of view but everyone understands the sacrifice they need to make in order to be a team player. The team agrees on the challenge and set forth the energy to deal with the setbacks together.

The best teams raise the bar together

The best teams continue to challenge themselves as they build momentum toward success. A team must have a learning mindset to make a commitment to stretch beyond their current realities. The best teams look at yesterday’s success as part of the journey to tomorrow’s better performance. Success is never final. The best teams build on everyone success and opportunities to improve.

The best teams focus on what’s right with each other

The best teams recognize every person’s added value to the company culture. Everyone plays a role and can make a contribution. We just have to focus and build on the strengths of each other. The best teams are not a collection of the best people or the best talent but the best roles that can make a group of people succeed.

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