Sunday, January 13, 2013

How to develop your leadership style

Leaders are all very different people. Each Leader has their own style and attributes that serve their people. Successful leaders have genuine desire to help others through their meaningful relationships. They are interested in empowering and taking people where they are to where they could flourish even more.

How can we develop our leadership style to build enduring relationships with the people we serve on a daily basis?

Be Authentic Leader

A leader must be their own person, authentic and real in all relations. People trust you when you are genuine and authentic.  Authentic leaders recognize their shortcomings and their strengths to work on themselves first. 

The first task of a leader is to get to know themselves before they can lead others. Other people will follow them if they know the leader is not pretending someone they are not. 

Great leaders make a commitment to self-reflect and share their values with their teams in an authentic way. Take the time to discover your leadership style as you make an impact on others.

Attitude matters

A leader with positive attitude makes the best out of a difficult situation. Sometimes the difference between a challenge and an opportunity lies within our attitude toward it.

Great leaders understand that the right attitude will set the right feeling, which enables the right reactions from others. One of the most critical attributes to any leadership environment is the attitude of the leader. 

How the leader approaching difficult people and situations will always sets the tone for how the team will handle any conflict. One of the ways a leader can improve is by developing a constructive attitude that would be helpful to the team’s success.

Appreciative Leadership

Appreciative leaders take the time to focus on what is working right and how to recognize their team strengths. They understand that each person on their team has something to offer. Each person is being valued by their contribution to the overall results. 

Appreciative leaders can help their teams by discovering the uniquely qualities and capabilities to create future development or change in their organization. They are willing to engage with other members to share and collaborate together because everyone matters. Take the time today to reach out to others and celebrate their victories.

 “At the heart of leadership is the leader's relationship with followers. People will entrust their hopes and dreams to another person only if they think the other is a reliable vessel.” David Gergen

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